Wednesday: Revived Spain soldering station, finished circuit build, picked up new small turbo that probably won't end up on the ute. Dropped off a wideband to a friend for dev purposes.
Thursday: Pulled apart above turbo setup a bit.
Friday: Finished pulling apart above turbo setup.
Saturday: Wrote software for FreeEMS use.
Sunday: Attended a car meet, had lunch out, a few other chores.
Today: ~2 hours total, yay! Two things:
1) Cleaned remaining pistons on new block: ... 79421194242) Had new tyre valve fitted to one of the ute rears which had been cut off.
Next up? Block deck surfacing, piston radiusing/decompressing, block cleaning, search for special nut, remove clutch slave/master setup and get that fixed/refreshed/renewed, remove sump, remove oil filter tube, deburr/high flow block deck holes as desired, other stuff?
Apologies for being slack with the block work. I was getting other things done, though.