by jesiotrot » Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:22 pm
September 2011
Strolling through the wreckers one day I came across this Jap import Mazda Capella hatchback, I opened the bonnet expecting to see some crappy FE 8valve or 12 valve but it had an FE3 engine in it! I had no car to put it in but that didn't stop me so I pulled the motor the next weekend, I took the complete engine plus the computer and loom to run it along with the AFM and airbox etc. I dont have any pictures of it in the wreck, it was fairly clean though just the usual oil build up from a leaking rocker cover. The car was automatic so it has a FEAP intake cam. It has an aluminium sump and it has the bottom end bearing cradles. The car was a FWD and it was an 88 model.
This is what it looked like after 3 cans of degreaser and some high pressure cleaning -